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Come Try Bigleaf Maple Syrup & Learn How to Tap at The Bigleaf Maple Festival This May!

On Saturday May 13, 2023, Oregon State University is hosting Oregon’s first ever Bigleaf Maple Festival at the 4-H Center in West Salem! Bigleaf maple syrup and other bigleaf-sourced foods are on the rise with Oregon farmers, homesteaders and foresters starting to tap their trees and make products for the local marketplace. It's the beginning of an exciting new and sustainable industry for Oregon! The bigleaf festival is a family friendly event where you can taste different bigleaf syrups, see setups for the hobbyist and the commercial producer, and talk with experts at mini-workshops. The festival will have kids’ activities, syrup boiling demonstrations, nature walks, food and live Americana acoustic music. Come experience the wonder of bigleaf maple sugaring!

You must have a ticket to attend, and tickets must be purchased online. Visit for details.



Final Report for PNW Agroforestry Workshops funded by USDA National Agroforestry Center

Final Accomplishment Report.pdf


Temperate Agroforester: Volume 28 Number 2

The Spring Temperate Agroforester focuses on forest farming in the lower Midwest, Pacific Northwest, and Appalachia.


Congratulations to Dr. Badege Bishaw for recieving the Outreach and Education award by the Associsation for Temperate Agroforestry, 2021. 

"Dr. Bishaw has a multiple-decade record of outstanding contributions in the area of agroforestry outreach and education, not to mention in the areas of research and service to both the national and international agroforestry communities. He would be well-suited to receive at least three different AFTA awards! Thank you, Dr. Bishaw, for your outstanding leadership and service."

Written by NAAC 2021 Conference