The Agroforestry Workshop was held on October 21-22, 2014 in Corvallis, OR. Workshop materials in pdf format are available below.
- Workshop agenda
- Welcome and Overview - Badege Bishaw, Oregon State University
- Agroforestry: Programs, Policies, and Trends - Kate McFarland, USDA National Agroforestry Center
- Silvopasture - Russ Hatz, Retired, NRCS West National Technical Center
- Alley Cropping - Giulio Ferruzzi, NRCS West National Technical Center
- Riparian Forest Buffers on Agricultural Lands in Western Oregon - Badege Bishaw, Oregon State University and Donna Schmitz, Benton Soil and Water Conservation District
- Urban Agroforestry - Kristin Ramstad, Oregon Department of Forestry
- Basic Economics of Agroforestry - Hal Gordon, NRCS West National Technical Center
- Whole Systems ActionGrams: A Diagramming Tool that Enhances Systemic Inquiry and Action - Ray William, NACTA Journal 2002
- Next step for Agroforestry in PNW