The Pacific Northwest (PNW) Agroforestry Working Group was formed in May 2013 to assess the current status of PNW agroforestry education, research, and outreach activities. Agroforestry is the scientific exploration of land management that intentionally includes woody perennials to meet the needs of land-stewards and positively contribute towards environmental, social, and economic resilience.
Our mission is to work as a collaborative group of academics, extension agents, and land-stewards to promote agroforestry awareness and adoption, as well as facilitate research and demonstration in the Pacific Northwest.
We hold meetings from September through June at Oregon State University, as well as provide call-in availability through web-ex. Monthly meetings involve updates on agroforestry efforts, presentations by one or more of our members to facilitate feedback from the group, the occasional field trip, and agroforestry opportunities including research, grant writing, and publications. We welcome you to attend!
(The Eugene, Oregon Workshop, originally scheduled for April, 2020 has been postponed. Please check back for COVID-19 changes)
Contact Dr. Badege Bishaw at badege.bishaw@oregonstate.edu if you would like to learn more about agroforestry courses at OSU, Agroforestry Workshops, or questions about agroforestry in the PNW.